Freedom Challenge Africa

Freedom Challenge Africa


Human Trafficking in White South African Communities

“The uncle gave my mom R1000 after he had sex with me,” was nine-year-old Katy’s confession to her teacher. Human Trafficking doesn’t ask which culture, ethnic group or environment you are from. It does not mind where you grew up or what the colour of your skin is. Traffickers are everywhere but are mostly targeting […]

Who is Vulnerable to Human Trafficking?

Have you ever wondered who the victims of human trafficking are? No, it isn’t simply people in North Africa or Asia. There are people being trafficked in your own backyard! To find out more about what exactly what human trafficking is read this blog. This blog is meant to inform you on the most vulnerable […]

What is human trafficking?

Human Trafficking is the exploitation of vulnerability for commercial gain. It can happen anywhere, to anyone, this is because there are vulnerable people everywhere. We refer to the Chain of Human Trafficking; a complex criminal network of people. From diverse cultural, economic, occupational, and religious backgrounds, they link together to form the chain of Modern-Day […]

Kanjanji Orphan Project

Kanjanji Orphan Project began in 2012 in the Western Province of Zambia. This area is one of the least reached areas of Southern Africa, with a high population of those affected with HIV/AIDS. This fact left many orphans, low literacy rates, few high school graduates, and very limited job opportunities. Kanjanji is a Christian base, […]

Chiyeme School

The Chiyeme School is based in Malawi and focuses on providing quality Christian education to orphans and vulnerable children. Many children (85% in some areas) are orphaned. These children are cared for by extended family; but with the extra burden placed on already big families, most orphans do not have the opportunity to attend school […]

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