Freedom Challenge Africa

Freedom Challenge Africa

Chiyeme School

The Chiyeme School is based in Malawi and focuses on providing quality Christian education to orphans and vulnerable children.

Many children (85% in some areas) are orphaned. These children are cared for by extended family; but with the extra burden placed on already big families, most orphans do not have the opportunity to attend school and are a part of the modern exploitation against children.

Standard and quality of education in remote areas are very low; up to 100 pupils per class. Teachers cannot give personal attention to pupils; slow learners are not attended to.

Partner with us through prayer

See the specific prayer requests below, but above all, we desire to see children’s lives transformed through the gospel. With the hope of seeing the community transformed through the gospel!

There is a need for a high standard of education. Chiyeme School’s goal is to provide quality Christian education to orphans and vulnerable children.

PRAYER POINTS for Chiyeme School

  • Pray for the children in the schools. They are in between two worlds – the truth of Christianity and what they learn in Madrassa. Pray for God to help them understand His truth.
  • Please pray for good health for the teachers and the children through the term.
  • Pray for more educated teachers.
  • Pray they can be able to furnish the classrooms.
  • Please for more books for the school library.

Read more about our other prevention projects here.

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