Good News Orphan School
Kapotwe was one of the orphans attending the Good News School. When he was 10 years so, he suddenly disappeared. His father never finished paying the labola (bride price) to his wife’s family. After having four children, the father died. Kapotwe (the first born) was forced by his grandparents to work off the outstanding labola amount, which was 1.9 million Kwacha ($400). The teachers traveled multiple times to where he had been taken and tried to convince the grandparents to let the boy go so, he could return to school. They refused until all the labola was paid in full.
At the time Kapotwe was found in Mbala, he had already been working for six months on the farm of the grandparents doing hard labor, cleaning, cultivating and fetching water.
The teachers started to pray for a miracle – enough money to pay for the outstanding amount for labola and that Kapotwe could return to school. God answered both prayers! Today, Kapotwe is being counseled and is doing well while flourishing back at school.
We praise God for the transformation seen in the lives of children like Kapotwe. They have been impacted by the projects we work with in Africa because of the time and care each child receives, which is truly priceless.

The Ministry
The school comprises of approximately 200 children from Grade 0-8. We hope to expand to grade 12 and have a boarding school in the future! Our students are provided with breakfast and lunch daily to ensure that they are provided with proper nutrition. Added to this, times of devotions are held with the children weekly, where they worship and are taught about God. The children are also provided with medical care from the Lake Tanganyika medical clinic by our team nurse. Academic tuition is also being offered to slow learners, where individual attention is being provided and the children’s individual issues are being addressed. Sponsorship is also provided for some children to go to school when they have completed their education at Good News School.
Let the Little Children Come
The following is a recent testimony from our grade 4 students.
“Michael* lost his father last school year. It was very difficult, but because of his loss, he can encourage others. This year, Gift* lost his uncle and Michael prayed for Gift with such compassion and understanding. He stated, “Lord I pray for Gift’s aunt, that she would not miss her husband too much. I pray that when she misses him, that she would read Your Bible so that she would be comforted by You. I pray that you would provide for all her needs in Jesus’s name.”
Michael’s teacher was awed by the compassion shown to his classmate. Previously, Michael had a lot of behavioral challenges where he was constantly corrected. He also believed that God did not love him. The change in this child cannot be denied. Since he believed in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, his behaviour is much improved. He is also very interested in learning more about God and what the Bible says about God. We thank God for His concern for children, coming unto Him and being transformed!”
*names changed for privacy
PRAYER POINTS for Good News Orphan School
- Pray for the children of our school to really be transformed reflecting Jesus, in spite of their other influences.
- Pray for the leadership to be led by God as they are spread out to a few different ministries.