Freedom Challenge Africa

Freedom Challenge Africa

Child Anti-Trafficking Project

This project focuses on different aspects of rescue among the rural poor in Ghana. Firstly, it seeks to rescue abused and enslaved children. It also brings awareness to the issues of human trafficking in order to prevent children from being trafficked. Lastly, this project ministers to the Kayaye girls. These projects take place mostly in Northern Ghana.

The team in Ghana have recently gone through a change in leadership among other transitions. The ministry is in a rebuilding phase. Thus we are asking for lots of prayer! The safe house is currently being reconstructed. Documents to get it running officially from the government’s standpoint have also been submitted. Another team member, who has been very much involved in this ministry, is also leaving later this year, so that’s another transition and need to be filled.

Anti-Child Trafficking Project Prayer Requests

  • Pray for financial resources to finish rebuilding the Safe House.
  • We are in desperate need for more people for this project! Pray for the right people who can run the Safe House. Please pray for people who can do the work among the Kayaye girls as well.
  • Pray for the Kayaye girls that they will be reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray they will also have opportunities for education and skills training.

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