Freedom Challenge Africa

Freedom Challenge Africa

Skills Development Centre

The Skills Development Centre provides vocational training and discipleship to young girls and women who are vulnerable to or have been rescued from human trafficking. With a passion to love and care for these women, the ministry is committed to the health, physical needs, educational provisions, and social interventions. We believe lives will be transformed through these provisions to provide a future of hope

We have a great passion to secure a brighter future for young women in particular needy, marginalized, and disadvantaged rural areas. Our skills development & vocational training has the goal of connecting the future to the present. We do this through discipling, empowering, and securing a brighter future for young girls and children. We provide skills in sewing, hairdressing, soap making, beads, and other related skills that are readily needed in localities.

Our target group include young women and teenage girls with no or limited access to employment opportunities due to lack of a skill or education, single mothers between the ages of 14 – 28, girls who have dropped out of schools, fatherless girls, marginalised and abused young women due to their social status, rescued prostitutes and Kayaye girls (female porters), and girls from slum areas.

Partner with us

We are currently in need of sewing machines, chairs, a washing machine, and a bus.

Ghana is both a country of origin, transit, and destination for women and children. They are subjected to forced labour and sex trafficking. Trafficked girls are usually uneducated, from broken homes, and young single mothers with very little hope for the future. In many cases, the search for a better life makes them vulnerable to exploitation.

PRAYER POINTS for Skills Development Centre

  • Pray for the girls at the centre, that the Lord will lead their hearts towards Him. We have people so broken and some with difficult backgrounds; pray that they will be able to appreciate what the Lord has done and to forgive their pasts.
  • Join us in praying for the continued engagement with the Gospel and a spiritual encounter for the girls.
  • Pray the efforts at the centre and other partner ministries will be meaningful to the society and the church. Pray also that we become people- and result-oriented in the fight against human trafficking.

Read more about our other development projects here.

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